This post brings us to a town called Terrasini. Terrasini is a small town located just outside of Palermo. We are brought here by our friend Gaia. Gaia is an architect originally from Sicily, whom we had befriended here in San Francisco almost two years ago. Thanks to Travelling Toby's legwork, we manage to meet Gaia in Sicily and get a chance to meet her family and friends.
This is Gaia:

A new mode of travel has emerged for us: the car. Toby, Christoph and myself go into Palermo to the rental car shop. After some haggling about, we rent a beautiful Ford Focus. You can probably fit 3 of these cars inside one SUV. A couple of things to note about Cars and driving in Italy:
- All cars are stick shift.
- There are lane markings on some of the roads in Italy, but it's only reccomended, not enforced.
- Do not drive in the left lane, unless you manage to go at least 100 miles per hour.
- Honking horns are strongly encouraged
We drive out with Gaia to Terrasini, where her mom lives during the summer. Originally she is from Mondello, a small beach town just outside Palermo. We drive on the interstate and pass beaches and mountains. Eventually, we turn off on to a side street and stop. "Oh, no..she is going to kill us" - Toby says. In such a remote town like this one, I don't think our bodies would be found until autumn.
We pull up to the house and it is gorgeous. It is a palace. 3+ bedrooms, outside porch, swimming pool, all overlooking the Tyrrhenian sea.

Gaia has 1 sister (Rafaella) and 2 brothers (Fabrizzi and Alessandro).
Gaia has 1 mother named Angela. Her Father, whose name I did not get, is no longer living. From what I get from Gaia, he was an admirable man who was killed by the Mafia.
Gaia has a cousin Marco who is married to Gloria.
Gaia introduces us to 2 different friends: Settimo and Lucca.
I'll try featuring a few of the people of whom I remember as best as possible:

A gay man who enjoys bathing, he prances around with a button down and Speedos wondering whether he will go into the pool. He speaks English very well, and has an opinion about almost everything. He tried to work in the theatre but the Italian economy did not let it be. Now he works for the world's worst airline of Alitalia answering phone calls. I'm thinking about starting up a foundation to get him out of this job.
He is a friend of Gaias who fights the good fight. He sits in his chair smoking his cigarette with his dirty black long hair contemplating the world. Being an unemployed designer, he shakes his fist at the sky for his troubles. Actually a highly intelligent fellow, he goes into the political scandals of Silvio Berlusconni, the old prime minister of Italy. Supposedly there is a saying in italy that goes: "Berlusconni mangare tutti" (he ate the whole thing). Berlusconni took all the profits from the people and have therefore left them with shit.
Speaking of which, I offer this advise to Lucca: "When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade".
To which Lucca responds: "What happens when life gives you shit".
I told him that fertilizer can be used for lots of things. Touche.
The whole family is more than Generous. Gaia's mom can make vegetable lasagna and pesto pasta for 20 with one hand tied behind her back. I tell her she can move in anytime. Many side conversations emerege. For example, we talk about how Fabrizzi played with Americans from the N.F.L, and that Marco was the European windsurfer champion. It could be all a bunch of bologna but still we are enthralled. Sitting in the Sicilian sun, it doesn't matter. This is paradise. Great food, Good laughs and a blow-up turtle for the swimming pool, nothing could be better.

The next day we saunter out of Terrasini at a slow place leaving for our next destination. We bid Gaia farewell and wish her and her family the best of luck. I hope it's not the last time we see them. We are back on the road. The road to Linguaglossa - the next scavenger hunt. More about that next time.
Until then, keep on travelling....wherever you are

Travelling Sherman
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